Our company is deeply committed to upholding the principles of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG). We recognize the profound impact that businesses can have on the world, and we embrace our responsibility to operate in a manner that is not only economically sound but also environmentally and socially responsible. In our pursuit of sustainability, we implement robust environmental practices to minimize our ecological footprint, engage in initiatives that positively contribute to the communities in which we operate, and adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance. This commitment is woven into the fabric of our corporate culture, reflecting our dedication to creating a harmonious balance between business success and the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

The Company is committed to implementing an environmental management system in accordance with national and global best practices. The Company has been gradually and continuously improving environmental management, which currently still refers to the Environmental Impact Analysis Document (AMDAL) No. 660/494/2022 concerning amendment to No. 660/307/2022, which was approved by the Acting Regent of Batang dated December 27, 2022.

Supplied by PT PLN (Persero).
Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV).
Natural Gas
Supplied by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Subholding Gas of PERTAMINA.

Source: Surface water from rivers around the location.
Water Treatment Plant
Facilities will be constructed in each cluster.
Conservation of Water Resources
Blue Open Space Area 2.31% of total area.
Water Treatment Plant
Facilities will be constructed in each cluster.


Unlike other industrial estates which are often faced with social dynamics with the local community, especially in land acquisition, KITB/Grand Batang City relatively does not face any dynamics. It is due to the construction and development of KITB/Grand Batang City does not acquire community-owned land, considering that all of the land is plantation owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IX. However, the Company is aware that the transition of land use from plantations to industrial estates will still have a social impact on the local community. The mapping on the local community that was conducted in the process of preparing the Environmental Impact Analysis Document (AMDAL), found some of the social impacts related to local workers.

In early 2023 the Company provided training to 125 people as security officers. As many as 35 of them were residents around the KITB/Grand Batang City.

The Company supports the Ministry of Manpower to build the Anjungan Siap Kerja (ASK) at KITB/Grand Batang City. This place was designed as a one-stop employment service, especially to help prepare local community to fill the human resources (HR) needs at KITB/Grand Batang City and tenants.

The Company has dedicated 25 ha of land in Phase 1 (area 450 ha) as the location of the Regency Activity Center (PKK), to accommodate local MSMEs and Batang Regency potentials.
The KITB/Grand Batang City is expected to have created jobs for 282,000 workers by 2031, and it is hoped that all of them will be filled by local workers, particularly the people in Batang Regency and its surroundings.

From the beginning of industrial estate development, the Company is committed to conduct corporate social responsibility (CSR) by managing 7 core subjects which are: governance; human rights; customer issues; labor practices; fair operating practices; the environment; as well as community involvement and development (CID). The CSR activities is managed sustainably and accompanied by monitoring and evaluation in order to ensure its impacts to the stakeholders.


Since its establishment on December 11, 2020, PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (KITB) has continuously accelerated the good corporate governance (GCG) implementation, to support the management of the Company.
The GCG is implemented in accordance with the GCG Principles, consisting of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness & decency, by prioritizing compliance and commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management. In addition, GCG implementation also refers to Indonesian General Guidelines for Corporate Governance (PUGKI) published by The National Committee on Governance Policy (KNKG).
Foster a culture of ethics, integrity, and zero tolerance for corruption. Elevate your standards – download our Ethics and Integrity Guide and Anti-Corruption Policy today to build a foundation of trust and excellence.


In managing KITB/Grand Batang City as a smart and sustainable industrial estate, the Company implements a Code of Conduct as a guideline for all parties in carrying out ethical business activities and operations with integrity including no conflict of interest. The Company’s Code of Conduct is set out in the Guidelines for Business Ethics and Code of Conduct signed by all members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.
The Company’s Code of Conduct is dynamic and is constantly being updated to keep up with developments in regulations, norms and the Company’s business. The principles in the Code of Conducts are:

Ethics in managing business at PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang

Ethics in communicating with tenants and/or partners

Ethics in performing work in accordance with the standards and conduct expected by the Company.
The Company continuously disseminates the Code of Conduct to both internal and external parties. The Company continuously upholds the Code of Conduct by emphasizing the importance of compliance of all parties, and imposing sanctions on any party proven to have committed a violation. In principle, any violation of the Code of Conduct must be reported to the Company for follow-up. In line with the development of activities and business dynamics at KITB/Grand Batang City, the Company has been preparing a whistleblowing system (WBS) which will be implemented in an integrated manner. WBS is expected to strengthen the implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) in the Company.

The Company is committed to fostering an anti corruption culture in all business activities and operations in managing KITB/Grand Batang City. In the long term, the Company aims to meet business management standards and operations that are free from bribery and all forms of corruption, according to best practices in ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS). The Company continues to support the application of good corporate governance best practices in the development of KITB/Grand Batang City. In line with the continuous use of technology and innovation, the Company is committed to applying smart and non-cash transactions, in every form of financial transaction at KITB/Grand Batang City. In addition to ensuring accuracy, security and convenience in transactions, the smart and non-cash transactions will minimize any chance for violations, including acts of corruption.