Gratification Control

Annual Report

To uphold the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (PT KITB) is mandated to report both the rejection and acceptance of gratuities.

Gratuity AcceptanceThe acceptance of gratuities is classified into two distinct categories:

a. Gratuities Not Requiring Reporting
This category includes gratuities that are general in nature, comply with applicable laws, are unrelated to official duties, and are free from conflicts of interest or any indication of bribery or corruption. These gratuities are considered as expressions of hospitality or respect within social relationships, provided they remain within reasonable limits and align with societal customs, traditions, or norms.

Characteristics of gratuities that do not require reporting include:

  • General Applicability: Gratuities are uniformly provided in terms of type, form, requirements, or value to all recipients, adhering to principles of fairness and propriety.
  • Legal Compliance: Gratuities do not violate any prevailing laws or regulations.
  • Social Expression: Gratuities are considered a form of hospitality or respect in social interactions, provided they remain within reasonable boundaries.
  • Cultural and Social Alignment: Gratuities are consistent with established customs, traditions, and societal norms, provided they remain within acceptable limits.

b. Gratuities Classified as Bribery
Gratuities falling under this category include any form of gift or benefit received by PT KITB personnel from parties with a potential connection to the recipient’s position or official duties, creating a likelihood of a conflict of interest. Such gratuities are strictly prohibited as they violate prevailing regulations, contravene ethical standards, create conflicts of interest, or are deemed inappropriate and unreasonable.